Who must be SafeSport Trained

Who must take US Center for SafeSport – SafeSport Trained Training


1.  Adult Participants Required to Complete Training

a. The following Adult Participants must complete the Center’s Core SafeSport Training either through the Center’s online training or the Center’s approved, in-person training:

i. Adult Participants who have regular contact with any amateur athlete(s) who is a/are minor(s); ii. Adult Participants who have authority over any amateur athlete(s) who is a minor; or

iii. Adult Participants who are employees (including monthly contractors), interns, coaching members, adult athlete members, board members, or committee members of USA Skateboarding


b. Adult Participants who are medical providers, required to take training under Section (a) can take the Health Professionals Course, and must provide written proof of completion, in lieu of the Center’s Core SafeSport Training, This only applies to the Center’s Core SafeSport Training. If the provider travels with the National Team as a National Team medical provider, the provider must take the Center’s Core SafeSport Training, regardless of whether the Health Professionals Course was completed.


2.  Timing of Training

Adult Participants must complete this training:

a. Before regular contact with an amateur athlete who is a minor begins; and

b. Within the first 45 days of either initial membership or upon beginning a new role subjecting the adult to this policy.


3.  Refresher Training

The above listed Adult Participants must complete the Center’s Refresher Course on an annual basis for three (3) consecutive years, within 12 months after completing the Center’s Core SafeSport Training. Every four years, Adult Participants will complete the Center’s Core SafeSport Training.

Medical providers can take the Health Professionals Course in lieu of the Center’s Core SafeSport Training and are required to take the refresher courses on an annual basis if they meet the criteria for 1(a).


4.  Volunteers

Adult Participants serving in a volunteer capacity, who will not have regular contact with or authority over Minor Athletes, must take the Center’s brief Volunteer Course (unless the Volunteer has proof of completion of the Center’s Core SafeSport Training) before engaging or interacting with any Minor Athlete(s).